Jiangtian Data Center

Jul. 05, 2022

Jiangtian Data Center is the first super-large-scale data center built by Tianjin Tianzhong Jiangtian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. since it joined IDC Internet data center industry. It is also a demonstration application of enterprise transformation from "steel giant" to "light of data".

From the beginning of planning and design, it takes energy conservation and energy echelon utilization into account. Therefore, BAODING JIASHENG PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGY Co.,LTD customized the one-stop solution that better matches the building's own energy characteristics, aesthetic requirements, safety requirements, high matching , and efficient operation of multiple integration of BAPV+BIPV. The BIPV modules use light double glass power generation building materials, high light transmission,  high efficient solar cells, 21% conversion efficiency, etc. It meets the double standards of the building materials industry and the photovoltaic industry and has passed a total of more than 30 dual industry certifications and tests. The building has a total installation area of more than 1300 square meters, with a total installed capacity of 353.55KW, and an estimated annual power generation of 324,000 KWH. The annual carbon reduction is 323 tons, saving 129.6 tons of standard coal, reducing dust 88.13 tons and sulfur dioxide 9.72 tons.

Jiangtian Data Center

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